Monday, October 27, 2008

My b/f left me------------

Yes, boo hoo, I lost my fanny pack this morning. Still have the PICC line in my arm, but no tubing attaching me to a pump/IV supply. Have to see a doctor tomorrow am, and probably will lose the PICC line then, or soon after. I am a bit lop-sided, not having to lean into the extra attachment, but I will get used to that.

Feeling well, and hopefully the medical problems are behind me, for the moment, at least.

Tried to post earlier this weekend, but the DSL would not cooperate. The connection kept going away, whenever it felt like it. Not sure what the problem was. I had intended to report on the initial outing, on Saturday. Went to a gun show, with Tim, up in Ft Pierce. I had never been the that fair grounds, or gun show. Turned out the parking was in what seemed to be a neighboring county!! Heck of a hike from car to gate, and then from there to the buildings (3) where the show was. We had a good time wandering around. Met up with one of Tim's co-workers and his dad, browsing as we were. No major purchases--
couple of accessory items, and some well-priced reloaded ammo. Not that we didn't drool over a few of the many items on sale, and laugh or scoff at quite a few offerings as well. (People have some WIERD ideas about what weapons should look like, it seems.) Also, about the size of handguns in particular. I always thought cannons were supposed to come with a set of wheels under them, but no longer. Just take someone along to help hold up the end of the barrel, I guess. And that was among the handguns!! Lots of walking, but did OK, and still was able to get up and around the next day, so all is well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My new B/F????????

My fanny pack/drugs/pump, that is. Like a large lump or growth to contend with. No, not a major problem, just that if not belted on, i.e., while sleeping, showering, etc, it requires the use of one of my two hands to carry it along. It does have enough tubing that I can place the pack in the bedside drawer at night, and just have to be a little careful about the tubing as I move around. Showering, the fanny pack gets belted around the shower rod, at one end of the curtain, and stays dry. A newspaper bag is just the right size to slide up over the PICC line and dressings on my arm, and some tape seals it so that I can shower. Had some blood drawn this morning when I went in to get a fresh bag of antibiotics loaded into my pack. Guess they want to check my progress.

I am now driving myself around. Went to the infusion center by myself yesterday and today, so Carol can set her own schedule without having to do chauffeur duties as well. I did go to bridge Friday evening, for my first outing. (But with the score I got, I might as well have stayed home.) And to church on Sunday, then got my drug supply, and had Sunday dinner out before retiring to the TV and NASCAR. Who knows, I might get to normal one of these times.

Getting more than a little tired of all of the political ads, lies, insinuations, etc! This presidential thing has gone on for WAY too long. They need to set new rules, and make it such that ANYONE who even mentions running, prior to Jan 1, is automatically out of the running! And even that seems a bit long. And pollsters should be banned to Siberia, Lower Slobovia, or some other undersirable location during the process! The continual, repeated, TV commercials are disgusting and repulsive, trying to cater to uninformed groups of voters, and the amounts of money being spent for air-time could better be spent for economic repair, feeding the homeless, fixing bad roads, paying school teachers-------pick your favorite! Millions of $$$$ spent to buy votes is lousy spending.

Of course, Florida is right in the midst of another scandal. Having bumped Mark Foley out just two years ago, now his replacement is in the middle of an election, a scandal, a divorce-----and some of the voters want to keep him, just to avoid the possibility of a Republican getting back in office. Mahoney's wife was at the press conference just a couple of days ago, when he admitted having an affair with a staff member, (which now turns out to be 'multiple' affairs,) but must have been on her way to her attorney's office when she left the press conference, as he was served with papers just about two days later, and she wants a bundle of $$$ in the process. How he can continue to run for office, and expect to win, is hard to believe, but then again, look at Marion Barry's record in DC. Who knows??? Anyhow glad it will be over in a couple of weeks, just holding my breath, afraid of where we will be if the wrong person wins.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Their pump---my fanny-pack

Beats not having a pump at all, I guess. Not sure just how organized the Infusion Office really is. The injected drug has changed, now that I have the pump, with no adverse effects so far. I had to stay at the office for a while, at the start of injection, to be sure I did not react to it, but all's well so far. The nurse did say that this could produce some nauseu, and/or tiredness, so now if I feel like having a nap, I have an excuse! Not all bad.

Another crazy day on Wall Street. I hope someone out there understands what is happening. Not able to control it, but some understanding would be nice. I don't have any major investments to lose sleep over, so I am certainly not looking for any ledge to jump from, but between the election coming, and the market doing cartwheels, it certainly keeps the country in an uproar. The debate last night, (the final one, Thank God,) did not settle much either, other than bring sudden fame to 'Joe the plumber.' Guess he gets 15 minutes in the spotlight, to share with the candidates.

We went to a BCBS insurance seminar this morning before I got my pump. Not a lot of information, other than the fact that our co-pays will be going up in 2009. They had dropped any co-pay at the primary doctor, in 2008, but it is coming back for 2009. Just $15 a visit, which is liveable. Specialist visits, however, which had been $15 this past year, will be going to $35 a visit, so my eye checks will be a bit more. Normally, our Dr visits are not nearly as frequent as some of our friends, except the last few weeks have seemed like doing little else. Maybe getting past this kidney stone/infection thing will let us get back to normal, whatever that might be. Life goes on, at least for now. Won't make any promises about after Nov 4th, or at least Jan 20th!! Maybe there will be some MAJOR changes for some of us after that. I am ready, hope you are too.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still waiting

Here it is, Wednesday, and still no pump! Not sure how much difference it makes, I have gotten an IV at the doctors office each morning, while waiting for the pump (B/O) to arrive. The good feature of the pump is supposed to be a 24 hour, gradual injection of the antibiotics, but at the office, they act like they could care less about the difference of getting it all at once, under their care, or having the pump do it. In fact, this morning, my dosage was dripped in very quickly, much more so than the first two days. Hope it will work as well as a slow drip. I did not mind getting in and out so quickly, just that Carol assumed it would be longer, and went to do some other errands while I was in the chair, rather than set in the lobby, and I had to call her and let her know I was ready much sooner than expected.
Well. another debate tonight. Not that I expect any radical changes in people's attitudes or choices. Seems hard to believe people might still be making up their minds. Mine was made up a looooong time ago, and it doesn't include Obama! I see all of the info coming thru the news media, newspapers, the internet, and just can't see how the masses are following him so devoutly. No record, no experience, but lots of promises and big ideas. I hate the idea of a totally inexperienced person as commander-in-chief of our armed forces, as well. And the list of advisors I see is real scary, with former CEOs of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac at the top of the list. I am afraid our country is in real deep do-do if he wins.
There have been upsets before, where the polls and pollsters were very wrong about the outcomes, (like when Truman beat Dewey, many years ago,) and we can certainly hope that happens again. Yes, I am old enough to remember that happening. With age comes----------wrinkles. And if not wisdom, at least hihd-sight!
I have been doing very little, which rather bugs me. Just trying to let the meds do their very best, and get rid of this episode of life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not a great start

Seems my activities got interrupted, just as this was getting started. Wednesday evening I developed a severe fever, (102.4), as was taken by my wife to the emergency room. I just got out yesterday evening.

Somehow, having the laser procedure for the kidney stone removal, prompted a staph infection, primarily in my blood. They kept pumping me full of antibiotics, poking holes in my hide for blood tests, and waking me every two hours, (to see if I was sleeping, I guess.) Once they got an idea of the problem, and pumped enough drugs into my system, I got sent home yesterday. Not out of the woods yet, I had a PICC line inserted into my upper right arm, and have to get more drugs for at least two weeks. I am supposed to be getting a fanny-pack type pump system, to infuse the drug sort of constantly all day, but have to go in every day, to get the pump reloaded. Pumps were on short supply today, but promised for tomorrow.

At least I got to sleep in my own bed last night, with a proper pillow. What a wonderful change. I am feeling better, getting to eat Carol's cooking again, and not some food that seems not to have survived some kind of past droughts/taste mutations/cost analysis, or whatever. I had some very nice nurses and helpers, but was not thrilled with the lab tech coming in every morning at 5am to draw blood samples, and the followup at 6 am, etc, and not being able to get a cup of coffee until the 'breakfast' tray came at 9:10 or later. Now that I think of it, I should have had Carol smuggle in a small coffee maker, and then I could have made my own as needed. I'll bet the smell of fresh-made coffee would have gotten the nurses attention.

My main daily activity will be to get to the Infusion Center, but I also need to make follow-up visits to several Drs, probably adjust or cancel a couple of Dr visits that I had scheduled prior to this, and try to remember when each has to be done. Also need to go out and start my truck, to make sure it will start. It has been parked for several weeks now. I am feeling well enough to probably make some of the Dr visits on my own, (if I can get an OK from Dr. Carol!!) And perhaps get some blogging done as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good morning.

My first blog on a new site. Have had a blog for several years on another site, but got word that it will be closed, as of Oct. 31. Must be part of the cutbacks occurring in all parts of the country at this time. Sure would hate to be looking for a job at this time! Foreclosures are already scary, and going to get worse, I fear.
One of the things that really irritates me as part of this, is the obscene amounts of $$$ that some of the 'executives' of failed companys have been paid, and even worse is the 'golden parachute' settlements they get when they leave, after taking the company down the tubes. Just saw today, that several people leaving Lehman just days before filing for bankruptcy, got payments in the millions! Someone else is at fault for making the settlements, and others will be at fault if they do not go back after that money that they 'stole'. Certainly did not earn it.
I will have to get acquainted with this blogspot myself. My son uses it, however, and may have to walk me thru it as things go along. My old blog at will soon be gone! Boo Hoo! Guess I can still keep my closing---------Maybe-----------Not this time!!!