Monday, September 28, 2009

Ho Hum, Nothing to do in DC.

Think I will just fly off to Copenhagen and see what I can do for the Olympic Committee and their site selection group. Since I have taken care of the USA banks, automakers, healthcare problems, and other minor difficulties requiring my judicial wisdom, now I can begin to inject that wisdom into world-wide areas needing my expertise. Wonder what I can find to do, and spend flying money on, next week??

OOOOOPS, SORRY!!! Guess I fell asleep, and drifted off into my phantom ego of Obamessiah! I don't know how that could ever happen, must have been the Diet Pepsi I drank earlier. (Like it or not, have to drink diet to avoid the sugar tax about to be imposed upon regular sodas to pay for obesity control.) But that is another story altogether. Back to (ha) reality. Never knew when The campaign was in full swing, that so many decisions, world-wide, were going to require the talents (?) and time of the Commander-In-Chief. Guess the problems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Korea, et al, have been so easy to resolve that new ground must be broken on a regular basis. (Sort of like a cat with diarrhea.)

Makes me wonder how so many possibilities were overlooked during the last election campaign. Was everybody overcome with thoughts of change, prosperity, change, freebie giveaways, change, etc that we completely missed these side issues? Shame on us. Then again, maybe we can do better next time, hopefully.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just wondering???

About the number of new cars that will be repoed in the next few months, or year or so, out of the ones sold under the C4C (cash for clunkers) program that we have gone thru in the last couple of months?

It would seem that a lot of people, who were driving a multi-year old gas guzzler, who were lead to believe that the gas savings would 'almost' make the payments, will be walking, or wishing they had their clunker back. Saw today in an article that the average new car payment will be $371 a month for 49 months. (I know they don't make 49 month loans, that is just how the average worked, since many were for 72 month loans. In an economy where many are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, and food on the table, I can see the repo business being a good job to be looking at, if one is looking. (Not a fun job, or without a certain amount of risk, you understand, but perhaps one without many layoffs in the coming months.)

But then again, with the blessing of Obamessiah, how can it lose???

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Insurance coverage

Another personal observation, if I may. I think the concept is another political lie, like a lot of others have been for the last year or two. Not that the system may not need some overhaul and cleanup, but if Obamessiah has such great ideas, why is he trying SO HARD to ram this down our throats? If it is so great, how about presenting it, using gentle persuasion, fact-presentations, etc, and sell the public on the idea? It reeks of something foul, when it has to be done on such a rigid, purpose-driven, timetable.

Point number 2---tell me that the Prez did not tell a BIG lie, when he promised, on National TV, that he would not sign a bill costing us a 'dime'. But the current figures are estimated to be close to s Trillion $$$ in the next 10 years. Right, not one dime, folks. My snake oil is free, just pay postage and handling. Think about it, there is NO WAY to add the thousands of people to government payrolls, to administer this proposed health bill, that is not going to cost millions of $$$ a year. They may find some fraud and cost-cutting, but not likely near enough to pay these new workers.

Point number 3---Remember when Obamessiah was questioned, before, or around nomination and election time, about his being a Muslim? And he replied, "Oh no, I am a member of Jeremiah Wright's church, and I am a Christian." Sounds like another lie at this point, having refused to acknowledge or participate in the National Day of Prayer, in May, but now proclaiming a Muslim day of prayer, and wanting 50,000 Muslims to gather at the inauguration site, to pray from sunup to sundown! This is America, not Iran, Iraq, Palestine, wherever!

And lest I forget, he also chose to make last June L-G-B-T month. Did you notice? That is Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender month. Just what we needed. Guess he had to pay his election debts and promises, one way or another.

Sure would hate to miss seeing my dentist tomorrow!!!!!

Dentist again???

Oh yes, it is Monday again, right? Seems that every week has been starting with a visit to the dentist lately. Talk about a tough way to begin a new week. Actually, my dentist is a super-nice guy, it's just his profession I dislike. I have been going to him for over 30 years now, so you know he agrees with me as a person.

OK, so I haven't seen him as often as I probably should have, but I don't like being in that chair, nice guy or not. But at this point, I seem to have no choice, so we are working on my being able to keep eating for a few more years. I just took a life-predicting quiz, online, that said I should have 7700 more days, live to be 94-95, or so. Actually, I have no overwhelming desire to keep tramping around this globe for that long, I don't believe. For one thing, I don't believe the quiz took into account the present-day presidency, and their seeming desire to stop meds and care for aged and infirm seniors. Not that it has come to that yet, but then Obamessiah has 3 1/2 years to go, and look at the past 6 months progress!!! Need I say more?

Actually, as a matter of personal opinion, (and hope,) I don't think our world is going to continue on it's present course for that long anyhow. Now that concept, I have no problem with. And if the Rapture comes before I get to the dentist tomorrow, I guess they will just have to charge me for a missed apointment. (Can they do that if my dentist is gone also?? Interesting point.) Oh well.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yes, it has been a long time.

Not that there hasn't been anything going on in our country, or household, to think about. More like sensory overload. Just not sure I am getting enough readers to make the effort worth while. Actually, I have recently signed up on, and seem to have more contacts with that format.

If you are reading this, would you please take a minute, and send me an email to let me know? Just a quick note to will help. If I am only ranting and raving to vent my personal feelings, and not helping anyone else get thru the tough parts of life, particularly in the day and age of Obamessiah-life, I might as well take out my frustration on the crabgrass or something.

Let me know, please??? Thanks.