Saturday, August 22, 2009

Buyers (Voters) Remorse

Maybe, for a fresh idea, this country should inaugurate a probationary period for the office of President of The United States. One where, like every other new employee, a prez could be dismissed, without reason or recourse, for failure to perform to accepted standards. How is that for a new concept?

AOL online, is reporting several polls being run at the present time, and the results are showing the 51% of the people responding are unhappy with the way that Obamessiah is doing things, and at least that many don't think he is leading this country the way it should be going. Things like bank bailouts, taking over the car manufacturers, (including assuming having enough power to dismiss the leadership of companies like GM, Chrysler,) and deciding that 'he' knows how to run the health care of the country, are not setting well with the people of the land. It is a bit late. folks.

An even more shocking item, reported on the internet, and supposedly verified by Snopes, is that the health care program is being done in two parts, and that the establishment of the 'czars' to run the program has already been past, snuck thru as part of the economic stimulus package, and that the 'czars', responsible to no-one except Obamessiah, have already been chosen, and are simply waiting, not necessarily patiently, for Congress to approve the rest of the health care legislation.

Also, from the web, comes the tie to gun-control for legal gun-owners of this country. All that seems to be needed is for the health 'czars' to decide that it is costing money and resources to pay for emergency and hospital care for gunshot victims, and this panel of unelected, uncontrolled people could start the process of trying to confiscate all the weapon saround, whether used for crimes or not. Sounds too much like the takeovers in other countries in past decades to me. It is bad enough for the NRA to have to be dealing with gun-hating people in Congress, who want to take away the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, who are at least doing it pretty much in the open, let alone our having to deal with an un-regulated group who are only in place because they happen to be pleasing and bowing to the wishes of the Prez. Scares the daylights out of me, frankly. Looks like our beloved country is headed for a major disaster.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Or- once all your medical records are entered into a .fedgov database under the guise of "more efficient and less costly" management, any one on his panels could decide you were unfit to have a gun based upon any, prior and specious medical report. Ever had depression, anxiety or been advised to cut back on your drinking? If it's in your records, it could be reason enough for Barry's bunch.