Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Talk about rapid advances

Isn't it amazing how, in just a couple of short months, our esteemed leader, Obamessiah himself, has gone from an inexperienced, unproven politician, to knowing how to run, GM, Chrysler, the big banks, and every other business or country losing money and having difficulties staying afloat in the financial crisis we are in.

What we really need is for him to take over the stock markets, get the Dow back up to 14,000, and have everyone smiling again. I know quite a few people who, were this to happen, and their retirement accounts becoming full again, would pull it out in cash, and sleep on it! Having a lumpy mattress under them would be so comforting/comfortable! And then we could buy cars, make mortgage payments, eat out, all the good things that seem to be put on hold at this point. The idea floating around of giving $1M to each of 40 million people, cheaper than bailing out one of the big mortgage banks, that would allow them to retire, buy a car, and a home, and leave 40 million job openings for the rest of the country, sounds like a great idea. And I promise to spend it very wisely, Mr President, if I may have mine in nice crisp $100 bills, please. ($20 bills would make such a messy pile.) And I would be willing to travel, speading my wealth around the country, and making everyone very happy. I PROMISE!!!!!!

Oh well, so much for dreaming. Never will I get to have a "Washington Job". Actually, having paid my taxes as they fell due, I guess I don't qualify for a cabinet position, or any such political plum. Besides, I probably would be inclined to tell the Obummer what I thought of his ideas, and lose the job anyhow. Such is life in the real world.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I think he likes the title

Referring to our 'glorious' leader of course, none other than Obamessiah. Have you noticed how he keeps using the phrase, "I am the President of the United States", like it is a magical incantation, covering him with power of some kind. It seems to come out when someone questions his judgement, decisions, or cabinet choices, as if it were the ultimate answer to any of their questions.

In as much as it boils down to "The Buck Stops Here", he may change, one of these times, to allowing that some of the possible bad ideas may have come from someone else, particularly during these times of financial meltdown.

During one of the TV programs he was on yesterday, he made a statement about Sec. Tim Geitner, about the ' great job' he was doing, that sounded a lot like President Bush and his "Great Job, Brownie" statement in New Orleans a couple of years ago, that came back to bite him in the rear very shortly thereafter. Wonder if the same might happen again, in the near future?

Like Andy Rooney, "Just wondering?"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Been a wet one----------

Once it started, it stayed for a while. The weather pattern brought in a front that hung over south Florida, and RAINED!!! We had 2.75 inches by Thursday morning, another 1.75 by Friday morning, followed by a good 2 more on Saturday, and .6-.7 added on Saturday. Totaled up to 7+ inches, with a bright, sunny, windy, day today. And it came steadily enough that I think a lot soaked in, not running away. Yard looks much better now.

It did not make up for the total deficit, as we were low by 14-15 inches or so, since last November, but it sure was great. Not all areas got the same, (typical of Florida,) but we were fortunate this time. Now to get the mower fired up! Glad we get ours in liquid form. That would have made a LOT of snow to shovel, plow, blow, and fuss at.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is that stuff?????

Oh yes, now I remember. It is called rain, isn't it? Been so long since we had a day like today, it was hard to remember. One of the slow, steady, soaker kinds, that we need so badly. We have had about 1 1/2 inches so far, since last evening, and as dry as it has been, I am sure most will soak in, with this kind of rain. I even ventured out, (with an umbrella,) and turned off the sprinkler system, due to come on again tomorrow morning. No need to spend the $$$ with free rain coming down. We had been getting promises from the weather forecasters for a long time, but finally, there is a large pattern coming ashore that is deleivering the goods.

Might be a good time to catch up on some emails, particularly reading the USCCA letters and articles. (Concealed Carry), to the uninitiated. The articles come frequently, and often require some extended reading, so they don't always get opened and read right away.

Might even write to my daughter, and remind her that she is due to blog again! OK, Pooh???

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hit the big 8-0 today---------

Actually, 81!! No, not years old--give me a break! Temperature in the carport, I was speaking of, while I was painting out there. Final peak was 84+, but that was when the sun was way in the west, and hitting the sensor directly for a little while, but the 81.2 was in the shade, about 4 in the afternoon, DST.

DST------I did not want to get out of bed Sunday, for sure, and didn't get out very early today. Going to take a few days to get used to the change. Sunday was tough, trying to get under motion to make it to church by around 8am. Everyone seemed a little slow in moving around, so guess it wasn't just me. Even the Pastor seemed ready for a nap.

I did mow the lawn today. Had not done it for a while, and we are short on rainfall enough that even watering only keeps it green, not thriving. Of course, some spots needed a trim, so the whole thing had to be mowed. It does look better. And then I got around to cutting in the inside carport wall, that hadn't gotten painted with the rest of the house. I really dislike painting white on white. It is so hard to tell where you have been. Even repainting the same color, with Latex paint, is not so hard, as it darkens as it dries, but white is a real bear. There are some ceiling paints out that actually have a tint, either blue or pink, to let you see where you have been, and then when it dries, it turns white. Sure could use some additive to do that with white exterior house paint, to make the job easier.

Palm Beach County lost another of their commissioners last Friday, or at least the resignation was Friday, effective the end of April. Reason for this one, was health problems, bad knees mainly, it seems. She should have just not run for reelection last November, and let the voters pick a replacement, but she 'wanted to teach the Republicans a lesson' --her words. She is from a very strong black community, and got 70+% of the vote, and wants to put the pressure on the governor to appoint another lady Democrat to fill the post, until a special election in 2010. I guess not running would have been to easy, and she would not be able to run again in 2012, due to term limits. She has been in trouble with LEOs in the past, telling young black drivers NOT to stop, if a police officer, particularly white ones, told them to pull over, but to drive to an area where they had lots of friends around!! She almost caused a riot in her office, when she said that, which was the aftermath of an officer shooting a teen, unlicensed, driving down a sidewalk at a school dance, refusing to stop. The driver lost his life, the officer lost his career, and the city of Delray lost several million $$$s over it. Bad choices by kids wanting to be drivers and BMOC. And two men are still fighting over who gets the money the courts awarded, the biological father , who had had NO contact with the kids until a possible $$$ settlement was in the works, or the man who raised the kids, along with the mother. Great father figures!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The safety of jail

Just thinking of Bernie Madoff, and saw a recent video of him with a mob of cameramen and reporters, and someone reached thru and shoved or pushed him. With an apparent plea deal in the works, and the possibility that he might not spend any/much time in jail, I would not expect his life expectancy to be too great. Someone who lost their life savings, and is now facing poverty, might decide to get even, on their own terms.

Not a personal problem, and I have absolutely no money invested with this loser, but a followup TV news story was about a relatively young couple, who had retired, sold their home, and were traveling the country in a very nice motorhome---except that now they are in Arizona, and do not have enough money to fill the fuel tank of the motorhome. Figuring diesel at about $2.50-3.00 a gallon, and a 100 gallon tank needing to be filled, maybe 80 gallons, this would be something up to $250. They showed their last statement from Madoff, with a balance of $1,666,xxx, evidently totally gone, at this point.

Bernie---for your own good, as for jail time, and be glad for the builtin security. You are too old and ugly to be anyone's 'girl-friend' behind bars, so opt for 8'x8', three meals a day, and a shower once in a while. It could be a good deal in the long run.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The heading at the top of my last post, is a hyper-link, that should take you to a short video. Hope you will look at it.

Amazing video of information

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For
This video was sent to me recently, and being the gun-fancier that I am, I found it to me very informative, and a tremendous plea for the Concealed Carry Permits and wave sweeping the country, and which the new administration seems so bent upon destroying. Recent events in Orange County, CA, have the appointed, (not elected,) sheriff in the process of stripping permits from about 400 legal holders, whom she deems unnecessary. She is threatening to do it in a way that causes a permanent 'criminal' blot on what can be a perfectly spotless record. Simply because she chooses to do so, and unfortunately, the county commissioners, who appointed her to take over after the elected sheriff was unable to fulfill the post, do not have the desire, or the backbone, to throw her back out of the position.

Our new president is filling his cabinet with people who are opposed to legal carrying, for personal and family protection. Why doesn't he set an example by laying off the Secret Service people who provide him with 24/7 coverage, and see how secure he would feel. Our local police officers are NOT in the business of protecting, (proactively,) the average John Doe, man-on-the-street! They show up reactively after the fact, in too many cases, and then try to find the so-called bad guy, who is often armed, without a permit, because he could not get one if he tried!!! But does that stop him from obtaining a weapon?? Not on your life--which very well may be what hangs in the balance. He will steal one, buy an already stolen one, or whatever it takes to be armed. Felon record be hanged!!

Just recently, a well regarded Kiddle School teacher was awakened about 1:30 am, by his dogs barking, and got up to investigate, arming himself with his .38 revolver, luckily, as he was met bu an armed intruder, carrying a Glock automatic. The intruder fired, and thankfully miss, but the teacher returned fire, and thankfully, once again, was better at aiming and hitting his target, and the intruder was killed. Way to go, teacher. Passed the test with flying colors, saved his and his wife's lives, and saved the state many $$$ by not having to house, try, convict, etc, a person who would have gotten out in a few years, at most, and would be back trying again ASAP. I have no problem with that.

Gun control: Is hitting what you are aiming at!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jacket weather again, but---------------

it is so much nicer than what is happening up north , again!! (And again, and again, it seems.) My daughter in Grand Rapids, MI, blogged that they had already had 104 inches of snow this year, as of last Thursday, I think, and were within 3 inches of a new record total for the year. With the storm last weekend, they may have their new record by now!

I am still trying to figure out the theory of global warming, and my kids in the northern part of the country have been no help at all, in coming up with a reasonable explanation. Seems every thime we try to get into a discussion about it, they have to take a break, and go out to shovel snow, or move a stuck car, or some activity like that!! How does this all fit in? (I know, check with Al Gore, right?) We had 84-85 last Friday or Saturday, and 48 here this morning. No snow, of course, and unfortunately, very little rain, either, but it was another long pants/warm shirt/jacket day, and not much better yet tomorrow. Still needing rain, mainly, as the overall ground in very dry, and ready to burn.

My blogger son in Utah keeps mentioning have to keep his loaned/neighbors snowblower in repair, so that he can keep both their drives cleared, but with his rotator cuff problems in the past, snow-blowing seems a great alternative to snow-shoveling. Besides, thais way, he has the engine exhaust to stay warm with. I think all of the spread-out family will be glad to see Spring finally arrive. Carol's son in central GA was getting COLD weather, rain, and sleet yesterday---no fun at all. And I am sure he would much rather have been out getting his garden started, than in the house staying dry and warm.

We had a wonderful concert at our church yesterday afternoon. One of our members from the north, (Ohio in the summer, and here in the winter,) has a grand-daughter who sings on the New York stage, and has a great voice, and personality as well. She sang Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, at the age of about 15, traveling with Mickey Rooney, et al, has been in several major shows, and recently did the title role in Evita, with a musical theater group in Michigan. In fact, she did Don't Cry For Me, Argentina for her encore, which was very appropriate, as our talented organist/pianist/choir director is from Argentina! The two of them do a fabulous job together, in spite of very limited practice time together. I think she would be perfectly happy to take him to Broadway with her! She was in a state of Euphoria, along with everything else, as she had just become engaged a couple of days before she came down, and had to take a quick break to get rid of the tears, after doing a medley of love songs as an opener. Our church becomes a PACKED house for her singing. Last year the overflow had to sit in the choir loft chairs, and she had sort of a 'theater in the round', but this year, we had a lot of extra chairs in every available space, to get everyone in front of her. Oh yes, one of the shows she was in was Les Mizerables, which was not on her program, but she said maybe next year. And she does all of this as a fund-raiser for the music department for our church! Her Grandmother even buys her plane ticket down and back, and we get the blessing of hearing her sing! Is that great, or what?