Thursday, October 1, 2009

Talk about a switch--------------

Was just reading an online news article, stating that they White House is calling the Fox network liars , for their reporting and protesting the trip to Copenhagen, for a right-at-the-minute example. Claims being made that Glenn Beck is not
telling the truth, at least the way the WH wishes to have the truth told.

That would certainly seem to be the pot calling the kettle black, to use a very ancient comparison, but it would seem like a good indication that Fox and Glenn Beck at hitting upon a sore subject, which makes one wonder if they are not right. It would seem like the WH would tend more to ignore minor irritations, or should it be minor irritants, in favor of expending energy on more important problems.

Maybe Mr Beck is more of a problem than they care to admit. Life is like that sometimes. Guess things can't always be smooth and irritant-free in the Oval Office. Welcome to real life, Mr Prez.

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