Monday, September 28, 2009

Ho Hum, Nothing to do in DC.

Think I will just fly off to Copenhagen and see what I can do for the Olympic Committee and their site selection group. Since I have taken care of the USA banks, automakers, healthcare problems, and other minor difficulties requiring my judicial wisdom, now I can begin to inject that wisdom into world-wide areas needing my expertise. Wonder what I can find to do, and spend flying money on, next week??

OOOOOPS, SORRY!!! Guess I fell asleep, and drifted off into my phantom ego of Obamessiah! I don't know how that could ever happen, must have been the Diet Pepsi I drank earlier. (Like it or not, have to drink diet to avoid the sugar tax about to be imposed upon regular sodas to pay for obesity control.) But that is another story altogether. Back to (ha) reality. Never knew when The campaign was in full swing, that so many decisions, world-wide, were going to require the talents (?) and time of the Commander-In-Chief. Guess the problems in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Korea, et al, have been so easy to resolve that new ground must be broken on a regular basis. (Sort of like a cat with diarrhea.)

Makes me wonder how so many possibilities were overlooked during the last election campaign. Was everybody overcome with thoughts of change, prosperity, change, freebie giveaways, change, etc that we completely missed these side issues? Shame on us. Then again, maybe we can do better next time, hopefully.

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