Sunday, February 15, 2009

A whole week already?

Time flies when you are having fun, or when the years accumulate and everything is downhill, I guess. Have been busy, either working, or managing to avoid work, since the last post. Tiling job has progressed. Not finished, but progressed. Managed to seal the chatahoochee three coats, and all of the tile has been set, just not grouted yet. Probably Tuesday, as I have enough lined up to keep me occupied tomorrow.

Besides, my knees keep telling me to put it off! The actual setting of the tiles went rather well, actually. They had all been cut and dry-fit, and the actual cementing of them to the slab went fairly quickly, and I was able to kneel on the grass, as well as my knee-pads, so it was tolerable. The grouting takes a little longer, so keep putting it off, waiting for a day when I 'want my knees to keep me awake'! Hasn't shown up on the calendar yet.

Actually, had a couple of doctor visits this past week. The cardiologist sort of flew in-and-out of the exam room, staying long enough to recommend another pill each day, (fish oil,) and see him in 7 months. The urologist was in the room slightly longer, but said they would send a card in a year, and make my appoointment when I got the card. My kind of scheduling. Then he wants an x-ray, to check for any new kidney stones forming. (I hope NOT!!)

Looks like another busy one coming, perhaps with both activities like the past one.

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